
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020



C.C.T. 31DST2003M

Week: May 11th to May 15th, 2020.

Week 4

GROUPS: 1st A,B,C,D,E and F.


Los frequency adverbs

Los llamados frequency adverbs son aquellos adverbios que sirven para expresar la regularidad con la que ocurre una acción.

ALWAYS = Siempre

USUALLY = Normalmente

OFTEN = A menudo


HARDLY EVER = Casi nunca

NEVER = Nunca

 ¿Cómo se utilizan los frequency adverbs?

En las oraciones afirmativas, los frequency adverbs se colocan siempre después del sujeto y delante del verbo principal y el resto de la oración.

Sujeto + frequency adverb + verbo principal + (complemento)


We sometimes go to the theatre.
(nosotros) A veces vamos al teatro

I always go cycling on Sundays.
(yo) Siempre voy en bici los domingos.

Hardly ever y never tienen sentido negativo y se utilizan en frases afirmativas.
My puppy hardly ever pees inside the house.
Mi cachorro casi nunca hace pipí dentro de casa.

Max never wants to work.
Max nunca quiere trabajar.

Los frequency adverbs con el verbo to be.

Cuando queremos utilizar un frequency adverb con el verbo to be, la oración tiene una estructura distinta a la que hemos detallado anteriormente.

En el caso de las oraciones afirmativas, el frequency adverb se coloca detrás del verbo y la presencia del complemento se vuelve imprescindible.

Sujeto + to be + frequency adverb + complemento

Sally is always serious.
Sally siempre está seria.

Carl and Peter are usually angry.
Carl y Peter normalmente están enfadados.

ACTIVITY 1. True or False. Read and circle True or False.

I always go to the cinema on Sunday mornings because it’s cheaper. I usually go with my friends but sometimes I go with my parents. I always take sweets with me but I buy a drink there. I never get popcorn because I hate it! How often do you go to the cinema?

a. I go to the cinema on Sundays.            True         False
b. I sometimes go with my friends.           True         False    
c. I go with my parents every time.           True         False
d. I don’t buy sweets at the cinema.         True         False
e. I take a drink from home.                      True         False
f. I get popcorn every time I go.                True         False

ACTIVITY 2.  Match them up! Match the adverbs of frequency with the examples. Únelas. Une los adverbios de frecuencia con los ejemplos.

Always                             I go swimming only if I have nothing else to do.

Usually                            I don’t go swimming – I can’t swim!

Sometimes                      I go swimming every chance I can – I love it!

Never                   I go swimming a lot, but not when I have extra homework.

Clue words

only if I have nothing else to do (solo si no tengo nada más que hacer)
I don’t go swimming – I can’t swim! (no voy a nadar,¡ no puedo nadar!
I go swimming every chance I can – I love it! (cada vez que tengo chance ¡me encanta!
I go swimming a lot, but not when I have extra homework (nado mucho pero no cuando tengo tareas extras)

ACTIVITY 3. What’s the order? Put the words in the correct order.¿ Cuál es el orden? Coloca las palabras en el orden correcto.

a. school do homework always my I after
_I always do my homework after school.______________

b. have dinner sometimes pizza for We

c. never I to talk strangers ______________________________________________

d. TV always English They watch in

e. usually friends She in plays with park her the

ACTIVITY 4. Interview! Write your answers. Entrevista, escribe tus respuestas.

a. How often do you do your homework before school? _____________________________________________

b. How often do you have cereal for breakfast? _____________________________________________

c. How often do you go to the park when it’s raining? _____________________________________________

d. How often do you use the computer in English? _____________________________________________

clue words
how often= ¿qué tan seguido?
before= antes
when it’s raining= cuando está lloviendo

                                     😊😊Good luck and Stay at home!!!

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Tarea 11 Matemáticas 2° A, B y C

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